The President's Council is part of the General Council, which also includes the following elected Board members (in office until 2028, with approval of the financial statements for the year ending 31/12/2027):
- Francesco Corti – LA GIARDINIERA SRL
- Nicola Del Din - BLACKFIN SPA
- Barbara De Rrigo Piter - DE RIGO VISION SPA
- Barbara Lissi - KERING EYEWEAR SPA
- Cristiana Marinelli - OPTODINAMICA SRL
- Cristiano Milone - MIRAGE SPA
- Cristian Paravano - GATTO ASTUCCI SPA
- Micol Peron – SAFILO SPA
- Barbara Salimbeni - MARCHON ITALIA SRL ASU
- Tommaso Sanfelice di Monteforte – L.G.R SRL