
Pathways for growth and continuous skills development

The continuous development of the sector through the growth of human resources skills is a strategic objective for ANFAO: the eyewear product is unique in the panorama of Made in Italy products of excellence, and eyewear is a sector in which research and applied technology, compliance with health and safety regulations are combined with the added value of fashion and design.

For these peculiarities, the work of mapping the needs of member companies is fundamental so as to be able to create shared resource development paths in line with expectations.

An example of this is the memorandum of understanding signed by ANFAO and the Veneto Region (where more than 80% of the sector's production is concentrated) for the creation of training courses to develop the skills of workers employed in companies in the sector and of young people wishing to enter the sector through workshops and training courses. Another ambitious project is the creation of the Eyewear Polytechnic, a milestone that highlights the importance of training for all companies in the sector and the commitment that the Association has always made in this direction.